Sunday, 15 September 2013

Production Log: 15/09/13

Recently I bought a white globe and this weekend I went over the edges of every country and island with a permanent marker to make them stand out. I then got the production ident, "A One Rehearsal Picture" (parody of "A Universal Picture"), printed onto it:

The reason for this is so that I can begin my short movie, which is a parody of Film Noir and made to look like it was created in the 30's -40's, with a parody of the Universal logo from the time. Universal made many of the popular Film Noir movies from that era: 

I cut a small slot in the side of the globe in which I fitted the end of the wing of a small plane figure, the same plane used in the above picture. As well as this adding to the parody, it also acts as a means of stopping the globe from spinning as the plane hits the globe's stand. The positioning between the plane and the text means that when the plane stops, the text will be inline with the camera to fully reveal the title. With accurate lighting, this effect should hopefully be achieved well. 

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