Monday, 2 September 2013

Analysis of Short Film

The non diagetic, ambient backing track instantly sets the tone of this short film by adding mystery to it; as well as ambient music often being associated with sci-fi. The sound effects for the games which the protagonist is playing are specifically technological and electronic to again, inform the audience that this short film is a sci-fi. 

The futuristic, virtual reality game which the man is seen playing, as well as his eyes glowing with a silvery blue colour instantly informs the audience that this film is set in the not to distant future; where gaming is better but the house and the clothing which the man is in is still modern and recognisably normal upon today's norms.  

Certain shots are filmed as if they are from the perspective of the protagonist as he watched the television or cooks food. This, along with the futuristic boarder and app pop ups on the sides; similar to that of The Terminator, helps the audience to visualise the extent in which technology has evolved to within this sci-fi. 

The constant switch between game play footage and the protagonist simulating the game makes it easy for the audience to know that he is playing the game. The animation that has been edited onto the footage, such as when the protagonist opens the fridge and a pop up informs him of what food is what by highlighting each item, as well as telling him the temperature of the fridge, has been, again, used to simulate that the film is set in the not so distant future.

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