Monday, 11 November 2013

Production Log: 11/11/13

I have recently begun editing for my short film. Now that I have a complete audio track, of which I used during filming as a guideline for the actors to know what they should be doing during certain moments, as the camera's mic was only needed for the dialogue scene, most of the filming was done in a music video-esque style so for the majority of filming the mic was not required. As the original track was played out loud, this made it incredibly easy for me to match the footage to the soundtrack as the actors were perfect in keeping in time with the soundtrack, so all I had to do was listen to the soundtrack left on the footage and put the footage inline with the actual soundtrack. Of course, this did not flow perfectly throughout the entire film as some sections I had to make longer or shorter, but it did make the editing process significantly easier. I am using Adobe Premier Pro to edit the visuals for my video. As I filmed my movie in 'mono' and created the effects myself by lowering the amount of light the camera picked up. I will not have to add any effects to make the film look Film Noir in post-production.

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